Monday, July 09, 2007

Gog helps those too drunk to help themselves

I'm the good looking one.


Oliver Gosling said...
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Oliver Gosling said...
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Oliver Gosling said...
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Gog said...

You are not brother knudsen.

Gog shall forgive you anyway cunt!

Oliver Gosling said...

Stay away from Knudsen. You have been warned.

The Rooms Gallery said...

Gog. Do not trust Knudsen. he spams others and pretends its not himself. He even spams himself. Its all a gimmick to get attention.
Just wait and see.

Gog said...

Mamout and the fake sparrow

Get thee behind Gog and smell his godly farts no one warns Gog I warn thee.

Anonymous said...

This seems to be a Gog to be trusted in.

Gog said...

If you can't trust Gog then who can you trust?